Traditional Berber Bread Making

In the tiny Berber village of Tassa Ouirgane in the High Atlas mountains, The View from Fez team learned how to make tanort, a traditional Berber bread. You will find the recipe here - Berber Bread.

First find a takat at the souq (market). These are upside down.

Check it is smooth inside

While the oven heats up (about an hour) prepare the dough.

Take half the dough and shape like a thin pizza

Wet it then press against takat wall.

Then do the same with the rest of the dough

and place it on the other side of the takat.

Cover the takat with a tagine lid to retain heat

After ten minutes it should be ready

Remove the tanourt (bread)

Scrape off any burnt pieces

Finally, serve with olive oil, argan oil or honey
Great with mint tea!


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